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Scheduling BD LSR Fortessa SORP – How to Use Guide 3 Section 2: Switch from acquisition in plate to acquisition in tubes The standard configuration of the cytometer is to acquire samples in 96-well plates using the High Throughput Sampler (HTS). If you need to switch the configuration to acquire your samples in FACS tubes, please follow these steps: If you have the BD HTS option, connect the HTS sample coupler to the SIT and close the HTS door. Refill fluids and empty waste, if needed, and then select Cytometer > Long Clean . When the long clean is complete, run a fluidics shutdown and turn off the system. BD Fortessa HTS Procedure: 1) Remove the tube of water from the SIP and connect the HTS sample coupler.

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The Fortessa has a 405nm, 488nm, 561nm and 633nm laser setup with the ability to detect signals in 16 channels. Before designing an experiment or purchasing an antibody, please ensure it is compatible with this instrument. BD FACSDiva Software Basic Experiment Guide Please note, this guide is not intended to take the place of in-person training but is to be used as a reference as needed after completing training with Unified Flow Core staff. GETTING STARTED 1. If you are the first user of the day: Boot up the computer and log on to Windows.

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LSR Fortessa - red switch on the wall behind the monitors (Fig. A1). b. † A printed copy of the BD High Throughput Sampler User’s Guide is distributed with the BD™ High Throughput Sampler (HTS) option. This document describes how to set up and operate the HTS. It also contains a description of BD FACSDiva software features specific to the HTS. As a frequently referenced high-parameter cell analyzers, the BD LSRFortessa brand provides power, performance and consistency for your research.

Bd fortessa hts user guide

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FACSAria Guides. These items below are useful reference guides after receiving Aria hands-on training. Application Settings: FACSDiva Software Quick Reference Guide for setting up & utilizing Application Settings.

Tube-based Acquisition. Flow Cthometer Flow cytometer Fortessa Cell Analyser Complete User Guide BD Reference Guide for HTS Option HTS Sampler Daily Action Training BD  7 You are ready to start acquiring your samples using the HTS. Page 4. Flow Cytometry Service. BD LSR Fortessa SORP – How to Use Guide. BD Biosciences is not liable for any claims related to or resulting from buyer's/ user's failure to install and maintain virus protection. History.
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Bd fortessa hts user guide

For help please call:. Throughput Sampler (HTS) option for the BD FACSCalibur™ multiple times with user-defined mixing, wash, and analysis Training. Interactive online tutorial. FACS LSR HTS-2: 4 laser, 11 color analyzer running BD FACSDIVA software, also equipped with HTS. LSR Fortessa HTS-1: 5 laser, 16 color analyzer running   This instrument is a multi-parameter cell analyzer. It is operated by users after basic training in operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

16 BD FACSCelesta Flow Cytometer User’s Guide System overview About the system The BD FACSCelesta system includes the BD FACSCelesta flow cytometer, BD FACSDiva software v8.0.1.1 running on the system workstation, the optional BD FACSFlow™ supply system (FFSS), and the optional BD High Throughput Sampler (HTS). Each The Danish Stem Cell Center (DanStem) Appendix’B 448 nm (standard) 488nm (GFP/YFP discrimination) A B C A B C 685LP, 710/50 505LP, 530/30 488/10 525LP, 542/27 505LP, 510/20 488/10 Official manuals from BD for the following: 1) LSRII 2) Fortessa/X-20 3) HTS for users 4) HTS for service. FACSAria Guides. These items below are useful reference guides after receiving Aria hands-on training.
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Password and&nb Using the Fortessa HTS requires a separate introduction. Please contact the Do not use the HTS if you need to analyze every cell in your sample because the HTS system will Switching back to Manual Loader for the next user. ➢ Switc 27 Oct 2004 The BD LSR II flow cytometer is equipped with safety features for your protection. Operate the instrument only as directed in the BD LSR II User's. Shutdown Procedure (printed version on back cover of User Guide Binder). 8. The 5 Laser LSR Fortessa (“5L”) is located in CNY149, room.

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. . LSR Fortessa . User Guide . Ragon Institute of Massachusetts General (printed version on back cover of User Guide Binder) 8. Optimizing Setup of the LSR2 system Exporting, Experiment Templates, Transferring files . 12.

The HTS can be front or side mounted on the BD LSRFortessa. HTS throughput Acquisition: Less than 15 minutes per microtiter plate in high throughput mode using a 2-second BD FACS LSR Fortessa User Manual Flow Cytometry Unit – Biomedical Core facility Technion Faculty of Medicine For help please call: Amir Grau 054-210-0778 Yaakov Sakoury 050-749-8565 Ofer Shenker 052-456-8846 A. Starting Up 1. Turn on the instrument: a. LSR Fortessa - red switch on the wall behind the monitors (Fig. A1). b. † A printed copy of the BD High Throughput Sampler User’s Guide is distributed with the BD™ High Throughput Sampler (HTS) option.