Materialinformation Materialnytt nr 16/06


Flexicurity – Wikipedia

The term was first coined by the social democratic Prime Minister of Denmark Poul Nyrup Rasmussen in the 1990s. The term refers to the combination of labour market flexibility in a dynamic economy and security for workers. Flexicurity (ett teleskopord av flexibility och security) vilket betecknar en välfärdsmodell med en proaktiv arbetsmarknadspolitik.Det karakteriseras av lätthet att anställa och säga upp, vilket ökar flexibiliteten för arbetsgivare, samtidigt som arbetssökande erhåller höga ersättningar (vilket medför trygghet). ish flexicurity-model with external numerical flexibility, external (public) social security and less employment protection legislation (EPL). In the next section we will define and discuss our analytical framework; the concept of flexicurity (section 2). Then we proceed by describing the Danish case of flexicurity, and its social and institu- Flexicurity The employment system in Denmark is built up around the so-called Danish flexicurity model which combines flexibility and security for the citizen. The Danish employment system's combination of flexibility and security is often described as a ‘golden triangle’.

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The aim of this paper is to show the importance of the labour market and employment in the conditions of globalization in the context of sustainable development. PDF | On Jan 1, 2006, Torben M. Andersen and others published Flexicurity - the Danish labour market model 1 | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate 2. Flexicurity: towards a definition of the concept Flexicurity is, indeed, a very catchy term and therefore in need of further definition in order to apply it in policy-making and the study thereof. In our view flexicurity represents a policy strategy that can be defined as follows: Danish “model” of flexicurity. The Danish combination of flexibility for the employers and security for the employees and the populations would be an example to follow, mainly because of the successes met in the fight against unemployment during the 1990’s. PDF | On Jan 1, 2008, Per Kongshøj Madsen published Flexicurity in Danish: A model for labour market reform in Europe? | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate “Danish” model.

Employment Consequences of Employment Protection

I avsnitt beskrivna modell om det "flexibla företaget" och arbetsgivarens skilda flexibi-. Dansk flexicurity kommer inte lösa problemen på arbetsmarknaden. 28. Referenser.

Flexicurity model pdf

"flexicurity" van Oorschot, WJH - Tilburg University Research

“FLEXICURITY: CHALLENGES OR OPPORTUNITIES FINDING A. NEW AGENDA FOR THE EUROPEAN SOCIAL MODEL”  Many translation examples sorted by field of activity containing “flexicurity” – English-Swedish dictionary and smart general - - PDF: ▷.

With regards to the future role of the collective bargaining system in the further development of flexicurity, two aspects must be highlighted.
Kognitiv vetenskap

Flexicurity model pdf

The Danish employment system's combination of flexibility and security is often described as a ‘golden triangle’.

1.1.1 Definition af flexicurity Flexicurity (ein Schachtelwort aus engl. flexibility (dt.:Flexibilität) und security (dt.:Sicherheit)) stellt ein arbeitsmarktpolitisches Konzept dar, mit dem sowohl die notwendige Flexibilisierung der Arbeit ermöglicht, als auch die Sicherheit der Arbeitnehmer garantiert werden soll.
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Modellen har kommit i fokus sedan Danmark utmärkt sig som ett land som har lyckats halvera sin arbetslöshet sedan 1993, har en jämförelsevis låg ungdomsarbetslöshet och en hög rörlighet på arbetsmarknaden. flexicurity models, be it at the EU or at national levels. Therefore, this article assesses the fate of flexicurity by scrutinizing its (adjusted) use as a political concept as well as a socio‐economic model. Although the Danish flexicurity model resembles the European flexicurity concept to a large The reason that the Danish flexicurity model became a point of reference was maybe not only because of the performance of the Danish labor market, but also because of the model's political appeal as a third way between highly regulated and liberal labor market models. The attention paid to the flexicurity model peaked in the late 2000s.

Forskare kritiserar dansk flexicurity Ingenjören

Flexicurity: towards a definition of the concept Flexicurity is, indeed, a very catchy term and therefore in need of further definition in order to apply it in policy-making and the study thereof. In our view flexicurity represents a policy strategy that can be defined as follows: THE ROLE OF FLEXICURITY MODEL FOR DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: LITHUANIAN CASE 58 Jadvyga Ciburiene 1, PhD/ professor Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Abstract. The aim of this paper is to show the importance of the labour market and employment in the conditions of globalization in the context of sustainable development. Europe’s Pathways to Flexicurity: Lessons Presented from and to the Netherlands ∗ Researcher, Tilburg University, The Netherlands. ∗∗ Professor, Tilburg University, The Netherlands.

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